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Minutes Dec 20, 2017

Village of Fultonville

MINUTES OF December 20, 2017 MEETING


Meeting opened at 6:00 P.M.

Present at the meeting:

Mayor- Linda Petterson-Law

Trustee- Robyn Rose

Trustee- Linda Denton

Trustee Timothy Morford

Trustee- Chad Quackenbush- absent







MOTION MADE BY:  Trustee to Approve the Minutes of the November meeting were unavailable, Seconded by Trustee. Ayes and Nays. Motion Passed.





MOTION MADE BY:  Trustee to ACCEPT THE AUDIT OF THE BILLS AND TO PAY TJOSE BILLS FOR THE MONTH. Seconded by Trustee. Ayes and Nays. Motion Passed.



Trustee Denton- Sewer Board did not meet due to no Chair in place. Reached out to Jim Park for help in  

 unravelling issues.

Residents mentioned having issues getting on to the website.

Trustee Rose- Winter parking, is there signage? Have employee’s handout a first warning if cars are not moved.

 Decals for Hydrant hats, nothing yet.

Trustee Morford- Spoke with Tom Pullen, they have received a partial payment for the controls for the sign, ins.

only paid a partial amount. Working on website, making some additions. Dave Smalley is interested in

being the Steward for the cemetery.

Chief Rose- report attached, thank you from the board for the wonderful toy delivery.

Public Works- No report at this time, Mayor in daily contact with Nick and Don.

Code Enforcement- report attached.

WWTP- need to set a meeting with Fonda.



Water Grant- everyone got the update on the infrastructure Grant.

Project 16 Bypass- progress is gong fine. Expect to have connection done this week.

Going ahead with the SAM Grant. Fence is in and locked up.

Don Smith and Chris Snell are doing a great job and we are no longer in violation.

Met with employees and will be going with Clark-Bouche. We now have an advantage plan and the employee’s

will be paying a percentage of the premium.

Spectrum contract has been signed.

Employees handbook- retiree’s or employees that leave are to be paid for any days unused over 120 days. One

 employee has 7 days and the other has 8. From now on all time off, overtime, compensation etc. will be

approved by the Mayor prior to the time being taken.

Received a request from one retiree to be able to keep the phone number from the village phone. Board decided

the phone number belongs to the village.

Meeting Thursday night at 7:30 regarding the company that wants to come into the industrial park. How will it

effect the Village sewer system.

Linda to sit down with NYCOM after the first of the year. Plan to seek help from Stella, village of Fonda

on the budget process. Bidding out for services as well.

Work session set for water/sewer rates on 1/9/18 at 6:00PM

 Spoke with Justin regarding some things that are going on at the WWTP that are not as beneficial to the plant

as it is to the person dealing with the plant.

Statements from board member and staff as to what we think of where we were and were we are now.


OLD BUSINESS: see above



Dave Smalling was here requesting information for green burial, trying to make his final arrangements.

2008 Diesel truck is in need of $3500.00 in repairs. Should we fix and then look at selling? Need more quotes.

Received a phone call about vacant lot on Riverside drive. The person is interested in putting in a restaurant and wanted some information. They need to speak with Grant.

Trustee Denton would like bank statements at each meeting.


PUBLIC COMMENT: Steve has noticed truck traffic at the end of Broad St.  beyond the dumpsters.



MOTION MADE BY Trustee Denton, Seconded by Trustee Rose to adjourn.All AYES and NoNAYS. MOTION PASSED

4/13/2018 2:57:14 PM